A few common essential oils and their uses

Even though essential oils have been around for centuries, dating back to the early Egyptians and were brought as gifts to Jesus in biblical times (remember frankincense?), they’ve become more relevant today than ever before.  essential oils can be used in healing and supporting the body’s emotional and physical well-being.

Grapefruit, another citrus oil, has similar properties as lemon. It can help uplift your mood and might work as a mild antiseptic.

These oils not only smell good, but they sometimes can heal at the cellular level. Essential oils are volatile liquids distilled from plants and parts such as seeds, flowers, fruit, stems, bark, roots and leaves. It may take hundreds of pounds of flowers and leaves to distill one batch of pure essential oil.

Despite their name, essential oils are not oils but are aromatic, volatile substances or essences extracted from a plant, herb or flower by distillation or expression. It is a labor-intensive process resulting in a potent oil that is not cheap, but due to its concentrated nature, a small amount can be used very effectively for a range of ailments, skincare and even natural homemade carpet cleaner.

There are certain oils which have proven their value and are a great baseline for those who are just learning about the health benefits of essential oils. Peppermint, lavender and lemon are considered power oils, and when in doubt one of these three will give you some relief for whatever your need is from cleansing to soothing to invigorating.

A few common essential oils and their uses

Lavender is a calming oil that is said to help with panic attacks and to calm the nervous system. It is used on minor burns to soothe skin. It is commonly sprayed on pillows or linens, or applied to the neck, chest or temples to help wind down before sleeping.

Peppermint wakens the senses and can increase the oxygen level in the blood just by being inhaled. “One drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to 28 cups of herbal tea,” Mooneyham says. It helps with focus, and when combined with rosemary, which helps with memory and retention, makes a winning work day combination. Peppermint also is used to calm a troubled tummy and to try to bring down fever.

Lemon is used as an alternative treatment to remove corns and warts. It’s a bactericide and is sometimes used to treat minor cuts and wounds as well. It is said to brighten dull skin, help with immunity and is used in antibacterial cleansers.

Lemon essential oil has bacterial properties and can treat minor injuries. (Photo: AmyLv/Shutterstock)

Cinnamon leaf can be mixed with cinnamon sugar, orange juice and olive oil for an antiseptic facial scrub. It can be used as part of a foot soak to fight nail and foot fungus and as a shampoo to keep hair healthy.

Made from the leaf of the cinnamon bush, this oil is great for keeping skin and hair healthy. (Photo: Liljam/Shutterstock)

Eucalyptus has many antibacterial properties. Its distinctive smell might help with breathing and congestion, particularly with stuffiness associated with colds and allergies. You can put some in a vaporizer when you’re congested.

Grapefruit, another citrus oil, has similar properties as lemon. It can help uplift your mood and might work as a mild antiseptic.

Post time: Oct-25-2021