What aromatherapy to put in the bedroom helps sleep?

What aromatherapy to put in the bedroom helps sleep?

Essential oils to put in the bedroom we recommend lilac, tulip, orchid, chrysanthemum etc. to help sleep.


1. Lilac aromatherapy: Lilac flower belongs to a kind of warm medicine, which has the effect of reducing inversion in temperature, dispersing cold and relieving pain. And assist the kidney. It can relieve the symptoms of lung fever, has a strong bactericidal ability to a certain extent. It can also prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. Improve the symptoms of insomnia, can calm the mind, relieve tension, and relax the human body.


2. Tulip diffuser: Tulip diffuser, peaceful taste. It has the effect of removing dampness and deodorization, decontamination and aroma, can relieve eye fatigue, and effectively prevent the occurrence of myopia. It can also eliminate irritability and facilitate sleep. And tulips can remove the evil gas and malice between the hearts and henchmen, and at the same time enter the incense medicine to strengthen the effect on the incense medicine.

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3. Orchid aromatherapy: Orchid aromatherapy, slightly breath, slightly sweet taste, chewy with bean smell, return to the spleen, heart meridian. It has the effects of invigorating and strengthening the spleen, suppressing cough and expectorant, stopping bleeding. Also improving the symptoms of neurasthenia, and help sleep. But the taste should not be too strong, otherwise it will produce a feeling of dizziness.


4. Chrysanthemum aromatherapy: Chrysanthemum aromatherapy can clear heat and dispel wind, and has the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the purpose. It is better for the eyes, especially to relieve eye fatigue. If you are prone to eye fatigue with your eyes more, you can use chrysanthemum aromatherapy in moderation to relieve eye fatigue and improve sleep quality. Although the above aromatherapy has the effect of aiding sleep, it is not suitable for everyone, especially people with allergies, and it is recommended to do it under the guidance of a doctor.


Post time: Nov-11-2022